Thursday 10 March 2016

Types Of Construction Accidents That You Should Know About

A place full of heavy and dangerous equipment such as a construction site can be an unsafe environment for workers especially without safety precautions. So, it is essential that at a construction site, appropriate actions are taken to keep everyone safe especially when workers are working with high power tools or on elevated structures like scaffoldings.

Like every other state government, Connecticut has also made proper laws to ensure the safety of construction workers. However, accidents do happen regardless of precautions being taken and the laws made by state governments to prevent negligence towards safety. Following are some types of construction accidents that you should know about.

Scaffolding Related – Scaffoldings are the structures that are temporarily built for the building work. As these structures are usually elevated, many workers get injured by falling from the height. Reason for the fall might be slippery surface, non-existent bracing or tripping over tools. Lack of protective gear or training can lead to severe injuries.

It is the responsibility of a construction company to make sure the site is clear of dangers for workers. To ensure workers’ protection, protective gear, appropriate on-the-job training and safety procedures are included in precautions.

Ladder Related – According to records, ladder is involved in an estimated 81% of falls in which construction workers sustained injuries and were treated in U.S. emergency departments. There are various reasons behind these falls including failure to provide protection, failure to regularly inspect ladder for issues, lack of training and more.

Checking ladders’ height, weight and safety level is necessary on construction sites. If not, it can result in fall and severe injuries.

Slip And Fall Related – A construction company is responsible for making the site safe for workers. However, failure to inspect site for dangers and many other reasons can lead workers to slip, fall and get injured.

If you are victim of these accidents, then get in touch with construction accident attorneys in CT, who can help you claim compensation for injuries.

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